Thursday, December 16, 2010

Last time

This is my last post
I realised today that I don't need this blog
what's complaining going to do for my problems
I have to do something about it
so im done

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My life would suck without you

Even though I really don't like Kelly Clarkson at all she does have a point...

Baby I was stupid for telling you goodbye
Maybe i was wrong for trying to pick a fight
I know that I've got issues
But you're pretty messed up too
Either way, I found out I'm nothing without you
Cause we belong together now
Forever united here somehow
You got a piece of me, and honestly
My life, would suck, without you

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


My sister almost found out I had this blog
I tell her everthing and The only reason I didn't want to show is because i wanted to have one place where I wasn't scared she would read it only because I wanted something completely private but I could be creative at the same time, I think she might know about it I hope she doesn't though.... I love having a private place that I can talk about anything and not worry about being judged or anything. My sister doesn't understand that I tell her absolutely everything! It's so frustrating. Oh well, there's nothing I can do to change her mind... She never believes me.

Monday, December 6, 2010

This year

This whole year has been blur from May to December i cant seem to recall living...just trying desperately to survive this has been the best and worst year of my life. Best because I'm a better person, i can relate to a lot of what people go through. Worst... Because instead of breathing I was gasping, in stead of having a normal heart beat it was constantly racing, I couldn't and still cant sleep, and worst of all was it was like I was in a nightmare that I was constantly falling but I never hit the ground, just kept falling and falling and falling. Nothing is easy when everyone around you is falling apart. I just want it all to be over.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What's happening?

"It's December, i have now been bulimic for 8 months... it doesn't seem like a long time compared to some other experiences I've heard of but it has been 8 months of pure agony... and now i wonder if this will ever come to an end. I thought that this would've ended 5 months ago, that was my plan, but now there's no turning back... I miss feeling good about myself, i miss being happy despite anything going on around me... now i just feel sadder and sadder as the days go by in a blur of nothingness...I hate myself more than i did when i started all of this, but i still depend on it..."
This is what my sister said on her blog
I know I would feel awkward if she read mine, or even knew it existed, I mean I shouldn't have read this post but she shows her friends, she said she didn't care if i read it. But its different with me, I've never shown anyone this, no one even knows this exists ...
See I'm never this girl.With my friends and family I'm fun peppy and crack jokes because that's who everyone needs me to be, I can make my friends laugh but also be a shoulder to cry on. But sometimes I need to get it all out you know?
When I read what she said I felt so...Helpless. I felt so bad that I couldn't change a word of it. I feel so bad that she feels so... Alone all the time, the fact that i cant do anything to help her kills me! All i want is to help I wish i could...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Let me breathe

I wish my family would speak to each other. 
That our conversation didn't revolve around my fathers constant yelling
I hate that I can't breathe in my own home...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Stop pretending

You say you have to pretend well who the fuck are you pretending for if you tell everyone you're pretending. You say you feel bad for having to pretend you are the fun girl you used to be. We all grew up we're all different. Get the fuck over it, I'm not the same either.
No one is pressuring you to be anyone but you...
Why can't you let yourself be that person?

I'm losing myself


Why am I so depressed when I'm alone